Rede Altoga

Our offer encompasses dozens of Modules applicable to many contexts and Organizations of all types and from several countries.

We have Customers with the most diverse dimensions and intricacies, ranging from a dozen Employees to thousands. With one Login or many hundreds; with one Module or dozens.

In order to determine the price of one Subscription, it is important, from the outset, to distinguish whether it is about subscribing to one of the Preconfigured Packs or Custom Configurations.

A Preconfigured Pack provides a set of articulating Modules and Logins at a price generally lower than that proposed by individually subscribing to the Pack components.

However, these Packs are indivisible and therefore can only be subscribed as they are defined and as a whole. The Preconfigurations are also defined with some restrictions; in particular, they are Mono-company and may have some limits in terms of the Volumes of information to be processed.

However, these Pre-configurations can evolve to Custom Configuration at any moment to include additional Modules, be Multi-company, etc. You will only have to reset the Configuration and re-adjust the subscription values
Custom Configurations are based on the choice of various Modules. These Modules are subscribed on an individual basis. The required Logins are additionally subscribed. The subscription amount is the sum of the individual subscription of the components. However, the volume of the subscription and, in particular, the number of Logins, provide very substantial discounts in determining the final value of this type of subscription.

In this context, if you feel interested in a Solution, please check if there is any Preconfigured Pack that meets your needs. If not, you can always get a Custom Configuration for your needs.

In any case, the best way is to ask us for a proposal, which will clarify and lead you to what is best for you and at the best price.

It should be noted that there are Modules, particularly in Human Resources, in which subscriptions are based on the number of Employees, since all the Logins necessary are made available so they can use the Module at issue. For instance, as for the Module Employee Portal, Logins are made available to all Employees so that they can access it. Thus we have Customers with thousands of Employees and consequently with thousands of Logins.

If you choose to start with only one Module, you can count on many cases with the offer of one Login, which is applicable to the subscription of the 1st Module. The most commonly used Modules are generally entitled to that offer. These are the cases of, for example, the Modules Document Management, Tasks and Expenses Management, Billing, Treasury, etc.

Summarizing and taking into account the above, depending on the country of the Subscriber, we offer entry points to many of our Solutions from 9 EUR, 10 USD, 19 BRL or 400 INR per month and per Module. Such entry points are for 1 Module with one 1 Login and for 1 Company only.

As per the HR Modules, in which case the price varies according to the number of Employees, we have entry points from 16 EUR, 18 USD, 34 BRL or 710 INR per month for up to 30 Employees. The price increases for more Employees, although less than proportionally so.

However, many of our Customers face the need to go beyond those entry points. They may want configurations integrated with several Modules and Logins and/or for many Employees. In such case, the Subscription prices must be in line with the type, size and complexity of the Solutions concerned.

It is also worth noting that we offer Sectorial Solutions, for instance, for Public Administration, Port and Warehouse Management, Associations, Members and Users, as well as Schools, which have differentiated price lists.

In this context, if you feel interested in one of our Solutions, we will again point out that the best way is to ask us for a proposal, which will clarify and lead you to what is most appropriate for your case at the best price.




1.1. Our Software has been marketed for a long time and in many contexts and countries. It started as an ERP for large Organizations and evolved into an architecture comprising multiple Modules in the Cloud and as Software as a Service (SaaS), Modules which can be used independently or articulated as an ERP.


1.2. As mentioned above, regardless of the information we disclose about our prices, in case you are interested in one of our Solutions, you should ask us for a proposal indicating some information as follows and insofar as it applies to your case in particular:

  • Modules and/or Areas for which you want the Solution;

  • Number of Employees of the Organization and intended Logins;

  • If you want a Mono-company or Multi-company Solution and, in this case, how many companies you are talking about;

  • If the Solution is intended to meet the Functions distributed across several locations and, if applicable, which Functions of the Solution will be distributed and across which facilities / installations;

  • If mobility is critical in the Solution, which Functions, in particular, will often be executed from mobile phones and if any Georeferencing Service is required

  • If, in case more than one Module is desired, the Preconfigured Packs we offer meet your needs, particularly the Packs P100 for Organizations with up to 100 Employees, or if you want a custom configuration, which is justified especially in larger, more complex Organizations and/or with Functions distributed across several facilities.



Anyhow, regardless of the need to analyze each case, our Solutions always have very competitive subscription prices.

Even because, as they are Web-based, in the Cloud, there is nothing to install and no specialized technicians are needed to install hardware and/or software. It just takes Internet connection and we take care of everything else so any authorized party can access the Applications anywhere, anytime!





2.1. We have, as mentioned above, entry points to many of our Solutions from 9 EUR, 10 USD, 19 BRL or 400 INR per month.

As for the Human Resources Modules, in addition to the fact that their entry points are slightly more expensive, prices have to do with the number of Employees concerned. A given price is usually based on the range (number) of Employees. For instance, the price of the Module Performance Evaluation is 26 EUR / Month for the 31-50 Employees range.

One of the reasons why the Human Resources Modules have slightly more expensive entry points has to do with their Logins. In the example of the Module Performance Evaluation, Specific Logins are made available so that all Evaluators and Evaluated People can participate directly in the Evaluations concerned.

Thus, the Subscription value of a Solution depends on several factors, such as the Modules to be included, Logins, number of Companies as well as the number of Employees. There are additional factors that are generally less relevant




2.2. Should you want multiple Logins to use in an integrated way, either with one or more Modules, though separately in terms of permission and responsibilities, then you must subscribe to those Logins first, whose price starts at 10 EUR / Month each.

They are Logins that we designate as Universal Logins and can function with any Module according to defined permissions and rules.

Packs with several Modules and preconfigured Logins are available to interact with all the Modules of a given Pack and thus meet the needs of certain Management Areas. With these preconfigured Packs, in the case they are a good Solution for the needs at issue, we get a Solution that is more economical and integrated than that in which Modules and Logins are subscribed separately.

Should you want configurations there are not available in the existing preconfigured Packs, then custom configurations can always be made as to meet Customers’ expectations. The prices of such custom configurations will be adjusted on a case-by-case basis, but will continue to be not only Solutions that are more integrated but also more economical when compared with the independent subscriptions of those same Modules.



2.3. Finally, it should be noted that it might be necessary to subscribe to Extensions to basic subscriptions, particularly Multi-company Extensions and Volume Extensions for the processing of a greater number of records.

2.3.1. The Applications are multi-company, but in order to use the Applications for more than one company, it is necessary to subscribe to a Multi-company Extension, whose value depends on the number of companies at issue.

Multi-company Extensions usually cost, for each additional Company, 60% of the value of a basic subscription. Such a percentage tends to decrease as the number of Companies to be included increases.

Multi-company Extensions can be subscribed at any time as needed and thus handle the other companies of the Subscriber.

2.3.2. The Applications have no significant limits on the volumes they can process. However, subscribing to Volume Extensions may be required when more records / items are to be treated in comparison to those of basic subscriptions.

For instance, the entry point to Document Management at 9 EUR / Month allows the upload of up to 3 GB of Documents / Files, in practice a few thousand documents, but you might want more.

Another example: the entry point to Vehicle Management at 9 EUR / Month allows the treatment of up to 50 vehicles, but you might want more.

Volume Extensions to double the number of items that can be handled by basic subscriptions usually cost 60% of the value of a basic subscription. Such a percentage tends to decrease as the number of Items increases.

Volume Extensions can be subscribed at any time as needed and thus increase the number of Items allowed by the basic subscriptions as much as you wish.





3.1. Subscriptions are for the use of the Modules in the Cloud and their prices are linked to the predictable intensity of their usage.

Note that their use presupposes several costs, at least and not only: the costs of the development and maintenance of the Software; the ones of the availability of Cloud Servers; and the ones of the Helpdesk.

To estimate that usage and thus determine the prices of the Solutions, we follow several criteria we already mentioned earlier, but which we now delve into a bit more:


  • Criterion of the Number of Logins: the number of logins has to do with the number of Users that intend to access the Modules. Its unit price varies greatly with the number of Logins.

  • For instance, we have Customers of the Module Management of Consumption and Stocks with solutions that are fairly decentralized and with one to two hundred logins. Each login can cost less than 1/3 of the logins of a Customer who has 10 logins and more than twice of those of a Customer who has 500 logins.

  • Criterion of the Number of Employees: more than 2 dozens Modules, mainly those related to Human Resources, have their subscriptions based on the number of Employees. The entry point varies according to the Module: it can be up to 10, 20 or 30 Employees, as per the prices of the ranges that follow.

  • Prices per Employee decrease as the range increases. For instance, typically for the range of 0 to 10 Employees, when applicable, the price is 9 EUR; from 11 to 30 it is 16 EUR; from 31 to 50 it is 26 EUR, and from 51 to 100 the price is 49 EUR; from 101 to 150 it is 53 EUR and, for example, from 301 to 400 it is 157 EUR, and from 2001 to 2300 the price is 1037 EUR, and so forth.

  • Criterion of the Number of Items to be processed: the number of Items to be processed varies from Module to Module.

  • The number of Documents per year to be processed is used for Modules such as Management of Office Items, Document Management and Billing; number of Movements / Entries for the Modules Treasury, Accounting and Stocks; number of pieces of Equipment for Equipment Management; number of Project Items for the Management of Projects / Works; number of Tickets / Events for Web-Based Services and Helpdesk, and so on

  • In general, entry points are designed to many thousands of Items per year. For more items and as already mentioned, we offer Volume Extensions which, in order to double the volume of basic subscriptions, usually cost 60% of the value of a basic subscription. Such a percentage tends to decrease as the volumes at issue increase.

  • Criterion of the Number of Companies to be considered: as mentioned before, the Applications are multi-company, but in order to use the Applications for more than one company, it is necessary to subscribe to a Multi-company Extension, whose value depends on the number of companies at issue.

  • Multi-company Extensions usually cost, for each additional Company, 60% of the value of a basic subscription. Such a percentage tends to decrease as the number of Companies to be included increases.






Specific Logins Implicit in the Subscription of Modules


4.1. Specific Logins are designed to access a specific Module among the ones that have been subscribed. On the other hand, Universal Logins can access all the Modules that have been subscribed.

When Modules are subscribed based on the criterion of the Number of Employees, Implicit Specific Logins are provided for use in those Modules. For instance, when subscribing to the Employee Portal, its cost is based on the Number of Employees and the logins thus provided allow all Employees to access that Portal. Nonetheless, we are talking about Specific Logins, that is, as per that given subscription, all Employees are granted logins to access the Employee Portal, but not the Modules Billing or Treasury.



Universal, autonomous and multipurpose Logins


4.3. Universal Logins are characterized by being autonomous in terms of subscription and multipurpose in terms of the modules they can access.

Thus, whenever we talk about the cost of Logins in a subscription, it is because such Logins are Universal and non-Specific nor Implicit.

When required, the subscription to each Universal Login costs 10 EUR / Month, and this unit value decreases significantly as the number of Universal Logins subscribed increases.




Packs of Modules and Logins provide better prices


5.1. Packs of Modules and Preconfigured Logins are the most cost-effective entry points to our Solutions.

Nevertheless, organizations may need something more complex and/or differentiated, integrated configurations of Modules and Logins tailored to their needs.

Such configurations can be analyzed, specified and customized to the Organizations concerned. Such custom configurations may always be an alternative to the system of preconfigured Packs shown as follows. Obviously, the costs will be higher in this case.



5.2. As part of our Solutions, in addition to individual Modules and custom configurations, we offer Packs preconfigured with several Modules and Logins designed to certain Solutions, Packs that are available immediately, in an integrated way, without detriment to the logins included being able to work with Modules and options in a differentiated way.

Particularly, we highlight the P100 Packs, which meet the essential management needs of Organizations with up to 100 Employees, Organizations that are also part of Corporations.

However, we also have Packs for larger Organizations and, as mentioned, we can always customize them. That is the case of the P200 Packs for the Administrative and Financial Areas; the P300 Packs for the Operational Area; and the P400 Packs for Human Resources.

The following is an overview of the offer of P100 Packs. Information about the remaining Packs can be obtained by contacting us to determine the appropriate configurations and respective prices.

We highlight below only the P100 Packs, and remind you that, as it goes with Modules, not all Packs are marketed in the countries where we operate. In particular, this applies to Modules that may require legal certifications in the country concerned and which still lack them.

It should also be noted that other related Modules can be integrated in these Packs with their corresponding additional charges in their subscription.



P100 Packs


5.3. We offer, for Companies with up to 100 Employees, the P100 Packs, which bring together multiple Modules and even services by area, presenting to the set an even more competitive price.

We highlight the following P100 Packs, whose details can be found on our website:



Starting at 19 EUR / Month

  • P100 B: 3 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Management of Libraries / Titles, Office Items and their Circulation, and Document Management;

  • P100 C: 3 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Communication / Web-Based Services, Helpdesk, Management of Tasks and Documents;

  • P100 D: 3 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Incoming and Outgoing Office Items and their Circulation, Management of Tasks and Documents;

  • P100 E: 3 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Invoices, Waybills, Other Business Documents, Management of Tasks and Documents;

  • P100 F: 3 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Invoices, Waybills, Other Business Documents, Management of Treasury and Documents;

  • P100 G: 3 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Invoices, Waybills, Other Business Documents, Management of Stocks and Documents.

Starting at 28 EUR / Month

  • P100 L: 4 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Logistics Management, Operations and Micro-Operations, Management of Stocks and Documents;

  • P100 P: 4 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Management of Fixed Assets, Equipment, Tasks and Expenses, and Documents.

Starting at 44 EUR / Month

  • P100 A: 6 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Administrative and Financial Pack, Consumption / Stocks; it is also available integrated with the Pack P100 A + H referred to below;

  • P100 S: 6 Modules and 3 or more Logins; from Office Items and Document Management to Web-Based Services through Time Sheets / Tasks and Expenses as well as Libraries / Titles;

  • P100 W: 6 Modules and 3 or more Logins; Management of Tasks in General, Projects / Works, Equipment, Consumption / Stocks, Office Items and Documents.

Including the Outsourcing of Payroll Processing

  • P100 H: Pack for Human Resources; includes 7 Modules along with the Outsourcing Service of Payroll Processing, from 34.7 EUR / Month, for up to 10 Employees and 2 Logins

  • P100 A+H: Pack for Administration, Finances, Stocks and HR; includes 13 Modules (Packs P100 A, P100 H plus the Modules Fixed Assets and Accounting) as well as the Outsourcing Service of Payroll Processing from 97 EUR / Month for up to 10 Employees and 3 Logins




6.1. Subscriptions are generally due at the beginning of each period and can be either paid by Bank / Wire Transfer or via PayPal. Monthly amounts totaling less than 19 EUR are invoiced quarterly. Other amounts can be paid as often as the Customer wishes.

Having in mind the amounts at issue and the administrative simplicity thus achieved, Subscriptions paid semi-annually or annually may have discounts over the equivalent monthly amounts.




7.1. Please contact us with as much detail as possible about what you want and we will send you a quote.

