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M330 - Equipment and Facilities Management


This Module is directed to the Management of Equipment and Facilities, with highlights to:

  The Record / Characterization of Equipment and Facilities;

  Their Architecture and Allocation to Organizations Units and/or People;

  Insurance Policies and Values;

  Insurance Claims;


  The Registration and Follow-up of Resolution of Problems;

  Interventions related to Facilities, Transport, Maintenances and Overhauling, Repairs and Others;

  The Control of Consumptions and Expenses in general;

  The setting of Tasks;

  Their scheduling regarding Organization Units and/or People and/or Tasks;

  The Control of their Output;

  Their Control through optical means / Bar Codes, RFID and others;

  Dynamic Outputs and Statistical Reports;

  Insurance Values and Claims;

  Their Tracking and Mapping via Google Maps.


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